Being a uni student, I have Tuesdays and Wednesdays off work to attend my lectures and tut's - but lucky for me, this semester I have hardly any contact hours, so my days off are used to relax, do some study and get myself organised. I love them :)
Breakfast this morning I was craving eggs and avocado.
Poached egg, on wholemeal bread with avocado slices. And a little mandarin.
I'm also trying to fix my cripling coffee addiction - so I got stuck into the herbal tea this morning.
Yum. It seriously smells like a pie baking. Don't think it can really substitute though :P
And my other bad habit.....tomato sauce on eggs. Seriously need to break this one - but it's been a normal thing in our family since we we're kids! One of my friends from Germany used to think this was so weird - until I forced them to try it! Converted.
Okay I'm off to study and maybe do some exercise. Working on the longest and most boring topic ever, I'll be glad when this week is over :)

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