Today's topic is not exactly new - but something that is definitely gaining popularity again - EXERCISE DVD's.
I have a shady past with fitness dvd's. When I was younger, my mum owned this eighties aerobic walking workout VHS tape. It was the tackiest workout tape known to man. The host was donned out in legwarmers, fluro lycra and I swear her hair took up the whole frame. The music was synthesized, the moves were named things like 'booga-loo". Basically it was a whole lot of tragic. And I'm humilated to admit that I used to dust this tape off when I was younger and prace around the living room.

oh yes. i'm serious.
So you can imagine my reluctance to try workout DVD's again, after pushing those cringe-worthy memories way way back into my mind.
But recently I decided to try Beach Body's Insanity after hearing a lot of info about it on the net and seeing it road tested on some other fitness blogs.

Oh. My. God.
What a workout. Five minutes in I was begging the instructor, Shaun T to please, please show me some mercy.
Gone are the days where workout DVD's are dismissed as a 'fake' workout. This dvd is one of the best workouts I have had in a long time, the sessions are a good length (35 - 40 mins) and Shaun T is motivating (and good looking, to boot! ;P )
The workouts are based on interval training - so you workout hard for around 3 mins and then have a 30 second water break. It is tough. The moves range from jogging on the spot to the heart warmingly named 'Suicide Drills'.
And let's face it, being winter here in Melbourne - I would rather face some smirks from my family members as I sweat it out in the living room than losing limbs from frostbite by running outside.
So workout tapes - get on it!
Here are some that I've tried or heard about through the web...
- Jeanette Jenkins Series "The Hollywood Trainer" (great dvd's - especially the abs one. I hurt for days...in a good way!)
- Insanity
- TurboFire (a new Beachbody one which I must try!!)

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